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Home Urine Collection Bags

Urine collection bags are designed to collect urine drained from the bladder via a catheter or sheath. They may also be attached to some types of hand-held urinal to provide additional containment.

Body-worn bags are usually worn under clothes and secured to the thigh or lower leg with straps or a support garment.

Large capacity bags are supported on a stand either on a bed side or the floor.

Top Tips

  1. When wearing shorts use a thigh bag or catheter valve
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  3. Leg bag tubing can be cut to different lengths. Experiment with different lengths of inlet tubing to suit your needs
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  5. I struggled with a variety of leg bags with my indwelling catheter. The tube twists and pulls the bag down the leg when walking. Try a bag worn round the waist. Which is a urine bag worn round the waist with a belt. It is very comfortable and allows you to walk, or do sport while your bladder drains comfortably into the bag. The best feature is that you can stand at a urinal and 'pee' normally by opening the twist valve on the bag. No-one is aware that you are using the bag.
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  7. Make sure that the large capacity night bag is lower than you are if using in bed at night
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  9. Use different straps and support garments depending on where on the leg the leg bag is situated e.g. leg bag garment holder on calf and straps on the thigh
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  11. If tubing is long enough to reach the ankle it is easy to empty a leg bag without removing trousers
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  13. Night bag – use disposable night bags if you can’t/don’t want to wash – rip off the corner
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  15. When selecting a leg bag, consider leg shape, tubing length, strap style and position of bag on the leg.
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  17. If the large capacity night bag tubing is long enough you are able to move in your sleep without too much discomfort!
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  19. Experiment to find the best position for your leg bag - I alternate between legs to avoid any sores or aggravating cuts and bruises.
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  21. Rinsing out leg bags when away from home can be hard to do discreetly. Plan to rinse them in the bathroom but then have them to dry in your bedroom.
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  23. Use different leg bag volumes according to your needs e.g. if going out and unsure of toilet facilities you could use a larger bag,
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  25. When wearing a leg bag, use tubing supports to secure the tubing where you want it. For example, down the side of the leg rather than in front of the leg.
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  27. To cleanse my leg bag, I place a few drops of dishwashing detergent in the top opening, then fill the lavatory with warm water and use a turkey baster with a rubber bulb on the end to shoot the warm water into the bag. I shake the bag well and do the procedure again. I now have a clean fresh smelling bag.
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  29. When you have emptied your large capacity night bag, what to do with the long length of tube? Fit the dust cover and loop it once round the top inlet of the bag. Then wedge it into the back of one of the concave uprights. NB. This works well with a flat-pack-bag-stand,
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  31. When you have emptied your night bag, what to do with the long length of tube? Fit the dust cover and loop the tube once round the top inlet of the bag. Then wedge it into the back of one of the concave uprights.
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  33. Stands are usually available free to use with large capacity night bags. If you do not have a stand you can use two wire coat hangers between the mattress and base of bed to support the night bag.
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  35. I find there is no problem with a large capacity bag placed directly on the floor to the side of the bed. The tube leading to it should pass between the legs, from front to rear. This is fine for sleeping on your back, or on either side, but not on your front
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Incontinence can often be cured. Incontinence is a problem with one or more underlying causes that can often be cured or improved. Whatever your age seeking help is always advisable. Take the first step to getting help by contacting a health professional or continence organisation in your country.

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